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DIY Video Game Controller Aesthetics

Updated: Oct 7, 2019

Ever want to customize your video game controllers? Here is a DIY video game controller aesthetics options. You can spray paint, hydro dip, change out the buttons with more colorful ones and swap out face plates. However, you will have to dismantle the controller to do the options mentioned in the previous sentence. If you do not feel comfortable taking your controller apart, then don't. There are videos on Youtube to show how to take apart the controller which I advise watching before taking apart the controller. If you do not want to go to that extreme, you can put stickers on it or controller decals. Not sure what aesthetics are? Let's find out.

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What Does Aesthetics Mean?

According to wiki, it "is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of art, beauty and taste, with the creation or appreciation of beauty: a particular theory or conception of beauty or art: a particular taste for or approach to what is pleasing to the senses and especially sight." What does this mean exactly and how does this even relate to what we are talking about? Well, DIY Customized Controllers is a creation of beauty where I am sure you are trying to customize a controller that is pleasing to your eyes. That is video game controller aesthetics. Let's discuss the options for customizing the controller.

Spray Paint

Spray Paint Your Controllers
A pile of spray paint

When using spray paint make sure they are marked for Plastic surfaces. First, clean your controller. If need to know how to clean your controller read, How to Clean a Video Game Controller. Then dismantle your controller. Take the front and back shell use sandpaper to buff away the gloss so the spray paint can stick to the shells. Spray a primer on both shells, again making sure the spray paint is for plastic. Let it dry. Then spray the color of your choice. Want to add details? Use acrylic paint after the coat like Folk Art paints. Make sure you do not use cheap brushes or you will have brush airs in details and you will probably not be able to get it out. After painting your decals put on a clear topcoat to protect the paint. If you do not have great artistic ability to put in details you can use stencils. Just a thought.

Hydro Dipping Prep

I did not even know what hydro dipping is until I watched this hydro dipping video by MonkeyFlop. Hydro dipping is also called immersion printing, water transfer printing, and hydro imaging. This when a design is put an item using water. You can use a design film or create your own design.

You will need:

  • gloves

  • water

  • bucket

  • spray paint for your own design

  • design filmmasking type if using design

  • filmactivator if using design filmspray

  • paint for primer and base coat

  • stirrer for your own design

  • sandpaper

In case you didn't read the Spray Paint section, I'll recite the prep section. If you did, skip this paragraph but be sure you perform the steps. When using spray paint make sure they are marked for Plastic surfaces. First, clean your controller. If need to know how to clean your controller read, How to Clean a Video Game Controller. Then dismantle your controller. Take the front and back shell use sandpaper to buff away the gloss so the spray paint can stick to the shells. Spray a primer on both shells, again making sure the spray paint is for plastic. Let it dry.

Apply the base coat. The base coat is the background color for the design. Let it dry. Now for making your own design, keep reading. If you are using the design film skip the next section.

Hydro Dipping (No Design Film)

You are going to need a water bucket. In the video I watched by MonkeyFlop, they used a small trash can, like an office trash can, for the water bucket. Fill it halfway with water. Spray the colors you want into the water. Stir the concoction to create a design you like. Make sure you get rid of the bubbles so they will not ruin your creation.

Now you are ready for the dip part! If you are not wearing gloves put them on now. Be mindful when you place your fingers when holding the controller shells. More than likely, the place where you place your fingers will not get the design treatment because your fingers are in the way! I would suggest grabbing the controller from the inside so the outside shell is not affected. Dip the controller shell at an angle slowly to avoid bubbles. Use your other hand if needed to eliminate extra paint. Turn the shell upside down and pull it out. Let it dry and then spray a clear coat on the shell. Repeat the dry and spray clear coat again if needed.

Hydro Dipping With Design Film

According to, this is how you hydro dip with a design film. After prep, cut out a part of the film that is large enough to cover the shell-like wrapping paper but it must fit the water bucket that you are using. Do not get it wet while cutting or your design will get dissolve.

Now, you need to tape 2 opposites sides of the film. Put one side into the water first and then the rest slowly and carefully to avoid bubbles. The matte side faces up towards you and the shiny side in the water. Let the design film soak into the water for 1 minute.

Cover the film with the activator spray. The film should start dissolving. After ten seconds, dip the controller shell. When you do, use gloves and grab the inside of the shell, so the outer shell will get covered 100%. Slowly dip the controller shell an at angle to avoid the bubbles. Push through the film and make sure to shake the controller shell to remove excess film. Use your other hand if needed to eliminate extra film. Turn the shell upside down and pull it out. Let it dry then spray a clear coat. Repeat this step if needed. If you are planning on hydro dipping the back shell too you need to clean out the film from the bucket and repeat the whole process.

Non-Dismantle Controller Aesthetics Options

Non-Dismantle Controller Aesthetics
Sticker Collection

If you do not want to dismantle your controller, you still have options. You can buy one already made, you can place stickers or custom skins on it. If you are good with sharpies, you can draw on the controllers with them. Now if you do not put a clear coat on them, the design will

sweat off. I would use a small brush to apply the clear coat so you don't get the coat in the buttons by accident.

I hope this gives you inspiration for customizing your controllers and showed you some options for DIY Video Game Controller Aesthetics.


MonkeyFlop. (2018, March 19). HOW TO HYDRO DIPPING PS4 Controller "AWESOME" Custom PS4 Controller Spray Paint DYI. (Video File). Retrieved from

(2019, September 19). Aesthetics. Retrieved from

(2019). How to: Use Hyrdographics With 3D Printed Parts. Retrieved from

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